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​If missing teeth are a problem and preventing you from chewing, smiling and functioning our dentists have the solution!

At River Road Dental we are able to fabricate well supported, retained and stable partial and complete dentures. Dentures are a last resort for our patients and we only recommend them to patients with many or all teeth missing. Wearing a denture requires a lot of adaption of eating, speaking and oral care habits. Our dentists provide ongoing information and support about how to take care of your dentures. We also provide services for relining and adjusting dentures if they become loose and fixing any breaks that may occur over the lifetime of your dentures. We also provide implant supported dentures, these are very well retained and are more comfortable and easier to adapt to then conventional dentures. Give us a call today to discuss which treatment option is right for you.

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608 River Road
Hamilton, New Zealand

Tel: 07 853 3166
Emergencies: 021 023 22009


Hamilton Dentist
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